Solar eclipse from January 4th 2011, part II

While I was shooting some pics with my Canon A610, only using a foil similar to Mylar ( but not stretched foil),
my father-in-law, a hobby-astronomer did it with his Lumix, an astr. mirror and a telescope with sun-protuberance filter.
I post the results (reduced in dimensions) because they are very impressive!
The detail photo very well shows protuberances, a fountain and a near-closed bow.

13 Antworten auf „Solar eclipse from January 4th 2011, part II“

  1. I had to decide do I make pictures or movie? Pics with solution of about 2048 x … and a chance to see more than a light-point or a blurring movie that is too short because the memory card wasn’t empty. There is an antenna between me and sun that would have covered the sun for a while. The video mode is a feature additional to my small cam but not a powerful one for that another cam is designed better. So it wasn’t too hard to choose the way of making photos and to create a slideshow only. Sorry please.

  2. Dear Lady Cynthia,many thanks. It is more honor than necessary for the results. I did my best with the equipment I have. Surely hobby- and profi-astronomers and magazines will fill the internet with perfect pictures (if their sky was free).

  3. Incredible phenomenon! In ancient times people considered that such phenomena were coursed by the anger of Gods, their idols, but nowadays we all understand that it is only natural phenomenon.Wonderful extracts!

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