Happy birthday Liliput-Railway!

In 1950 the Dresden Park Railway was founded as children's rail, on June first, the int. children's day. Today you can travel with it on 5,6 km tracks. The railwaymen in the first instance are children who are interested in railway and so they can learn what could be a profession.

I prefer to breathe the steam of the steam train, sitting in an open waggon, eating an ice and looking forward to visit the Zoo.

(Wikipedia link)

The steam trains are from 1925 and are loved by all the people; children cheer if they skirl. All the year the park ("Großer Garten") is filled with people, good for relaxing, wandering, sport, paddle on a lake, enjoy the nature…

2 Antworten auf „Happy birthday Liliput-Railway!“

  1. Nothing to do with your blog but I live 5km from the village of Liliput., a small village in Dorset England. Im not sure if the village came before the Liliput made famous in Guliver’s Travels.

  2. Thank you for your comment!If we call a person of short stature a „Liliput“ – for him it’s an affront. Of course the title became famous by Gulliver’s Travels. In case of the railway it is a special name: a Liliput railway has a gauge exactness of 381 mm.By the way, in history Germany and England were „companions“ in some technical developments. Four of the waggons of our park – railway are from England :yes: A small village … it is lovely how the life and it’s stories focus pearls in other respects no one would notice. Has anybody heard about Tipperary before the famous song??? (I love this song!) :sing: :beer:

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