Dresden, 65 years after WW2

Dresden today

Near the end of the WW2, in the beginning year 1945, Dresden was the last large town still not destroyed. Some of the citicen hoped and believed this wellknown old and beautiful city, „Florence on the Elbe“, a „pearl“ of architecture, art and peace may not be attacked. The military industry in Germany layed down, planes were not able to start because of they had no fuel anymore, the war was in it’s last phase. Since March 44 the Allied had the air supremacy.

Tens of thousands refugees filled the town, also thousands of children from other parts of Germany, bombed out, have lived in foster families in Dresden. From the east a never ending stream of displaced persons arrived, they camped in the city, in the parks, on railway stations.

In October ’44 eighty tons of bombs fell down, in January ’45 further 320 tons. Flak was pulled out to the Eastern Front so Dresden was without air defense. On the February 13th in Dresden was carnival, but not happy in cause of the war, maybe only for the children. At 10 p.m. 244 bombers cutted of the roofs of the houses with 529 explosive bombs and set the city in flames with 1.800 firebombs, together 900 tons. Next morning half past one 529 bombers dropped 650.000 firebombs – 1.500 tons – so the town was lightened for all bombers following. In Dresden was a fire storm that dragged adult people in it’s centre, steal melted and houses were roasting. Who not burned choked. Fluid fire ran from the ruins on to the streets and in the air raid shelters.

some weeks after bombardement, the first streets are cleared of boulder

Not enough, on Feb. 14th, in the noon more than 300 bombers discharged 1.800 explosive bombs (475 tons) and 136.800 firebombs (297 tons) over Dresden. More than 35 km away from Dresden came down a rain of ashes.
Once again, on Feb.15th 1945, 211 B17 bombed with 460 tons of bombs, spreading them in wide area.
On March 2nd in the morning came 455 bombers with 853 tons of explosive bombs and 127 tons of firebombs.
In April, on the 10th, the USAAF with 572 bombers dropped 1400 tons of explosive bombs and 150 tons of firebombs.

In the north of Dresden, until today, are the airfield and the caserns of German army. They were hitted by not even one bomb…

The bodies of the killed people never were counted and recognized. Dresden wasn’t anymore, like the English Chief of Bomber Command sayed „There is no Dresden.“ His tactic of area bombardement as a terror weapon against civilists already was excoriated in the UK too. Churchill dissociated himself from such acts in March ’45 blueprint but sent was this version of a telegram to his General Ismay. Primary in 1992 they arrayed a monument for Harris – this one who in the UK (!) was called „The Butcher“.

bodies before burning them to avoid pestilence

To Dresden, and to all Germany, came back what the army of Hitler brought to many folks. Mania has a result, „They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.“.

We in Dresden today are very happy to live in peace. A great part of the historical city was reconstructed and is aglow not with fire but with happiness. Dresden people, like me, love the peace and really hate the war, the hate and the wilful ignorance. So we don’t like this revanchist Nazis who abuse the anniversary of Dresden’s destruction to call their slogans and demonstrate their intolerance.
I am very proud of my fellow countrymen and neighbours. This year on Feb.13th more than 5.000 Neonazis from all over Germany and Europe assembled in front of one Dresden railway station to start their demo but more than 15.000 Dresden citicen blockaded their route forming a chain of men around the inner city, and other hundreds of people placed themself in the way of the Nazis so they were not able to make one move and had to return to where they come from without having achieved anything.

people in front of the town-hall forming to protest against Nazi meeting,
all they wearing a white rose as symbol for peaceful intentions

peaceful get-together to block the „brown pest“,
behind you see Frauenkirche, a symbol of reconciliation

Thank you Dresden! You are so nice and beautiful, the men and the town!

2 Antworten auf „Dresden, 65 years after WW2“

  1. americans have bombed the main railway station of Bucharest in summer 1944, and lot of people diedand we had not bombed Britain as you had….this way was the ww2, a bloody business 🙁

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